Friday, October 28, 2011

Story Starter..

So this line just popped into my head.. obviously at a time I can do nothing with it..  Do any of ye want to have at it?



Inexplicably, I smell of stale cigarette smoke. The odour clings to my fingertips, like it’s only been 10 minutes and not 10 years since they last gripped a rolly.


Why now…




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Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Ok so I am all set for Nanowrimo..


I have my account set up, I have my basic idea decided on, I’m currently working on plotting out key things I want to happen and filling out my characters .


My aim is this:


Get up each weekday morning at 6am (sweet jeebus), make coffee, open netbook while coffee is brewing, log into Google+ and start a hangout. Hope someone joins me in it for moral support.

Drink coffee.. by this stage it’ll be about 6.30, my brain may have woken up.


Open writing program of choice (most likely word).. type for 1 hour.


Hopefully something other than “I must write something for nanowrimo”.


The word count is 50k. which is 1,666k per day.. that is madness.. but it is a madness I will attempt to do.


Is there anyone else out there who wants to start a support group?






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Monday, July 25, 2011

How my writing is going..

It’s staring at me,

The blank screen,

Mocking me with it’s empty gaze

I type a letter, two, maybe three,

Followed swiftly by

Delete, delete, delete.


My mind reflects the page

Curiously blank,

Half an hour ago It was full of glorious ideas,

when I was out,



But not now,

No now it is the calmest sea,

Not a ripple of thought to disturb it’s surface.


I pick up a pen,

Some paper,

And write three words, a sentence,

Then slowly painfully cross them out.

Deep gouges tear the page


Writing is easy,

They say.

I suspect, somehow,

They are lying.

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Thursday, July 21, 2011

Google + and writing Hangouts

Just wondering if anyone would be interested in setting up a weekly/fortnightly online writing group.

The google+ hangout function seems ideal for it.

All from the comfort of your own house..

Comment if you think it might be fun :o)

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Revisiting Old Words

Today's Mission - To re-read what I have written so far..

It's only about 6k words so it shouldn't take me too long :o)

Let's go.. Chapter one - We meet the main characters.

Ok.. not a bad intitial set up. I think it might be a little wordy but I am not going to revise it. That can wait till I have written more than 4 chapters..

well maybe a little pruning.

and some paragraphing.. wow did I write in large chunks of text..

Also.. the language really needs to be less formal...
e.g. It had been some time since someone her age had come looking..
Now reads: It had been ages since someone her age had come looking.
I think that reads better.

Onwards to Chapter 2..

I still love the description of Niamh's house.. it's where I would most love to live.

It had a lived in air. A tiny television set was hidden away in one corner of the room, almost overwhelmed by stacks of books that lined the walls of the room haphazardly. Two low couches faced each other across a large coffee table. The fireplace was an old wrought iron one, with green tiles and a marble front. It was already set for a fire.

I did write an awful lot about food.. may need to edit that out later.. for now it stays.
And drink.. they do seem to like their drink in the second chapter..

Oooh the nightmare scene.. I think this will be revised a little.. it needs to be scarier.

Okay.. I'll leave it at that.. Chapters 3 & 4 will be re-read tomorrow.

It's been useful..The plot bunnies are waking up again..

Saturday, July 2, 2011

On not writing

I have been studiously not writing for about 6 months now.. it's been surprisingly easy. I just sit down at my pc and then instead of opening my chosen writing program I go to twitter.. or the Guardian website, or websites with random pictures of kittens.

It's not good.. it's not progressing my novel.. and my ideas are stagnating in my head. So this little blog (which is separate from my other regular blog) is my attempt at making me write.

I intend to use it to journal my progress.. how many words written, what I struggle with day to day.. etc. I aim to post at least once a week.. preferably more often..

In fairness it'll probably turn out to be another tool in the procrastinating wars.

We shall see.

Wish me luck.. or other such things..


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Just starting out.

This blog is going to be more my thoughts on life, the universe.. everything.

Hopefully I will remember to update it regularly :o)
