Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Ok so I am all set for Nanowrimo..


I have my account set up, I have my basic idea decided on, I’m currently working on plotting out key things I want to happen and filling out my characters .


My aim is this:


Get up each weekday morning at 6am (sweet jeebus), make coffee, open netbook while coffee is brewing, log into Google+ and start a hangout. Hope someone joins me in it for moral support.

Drink coffee.. by this stage it’ll be about 6.30, my brain may have woken up.


Open writing program of choice (most likely word).. type for 1 hour.


Hopefully something other than “I must write something for nanowrimo”.


The word count is 50k. which is 1,666k per day.. that is madness.. but it is a madness I will attempt to do.


Is there anyone else out there who wants to start a support group?






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1 comment:

  1. Not on G+.
    And I am not doing NaNo this year, although I will attempt to finish the story I wrote for NaNo last year (and hope this will not take me another 50,000 words).
